Thursday, 30 October 2014

Gomutra: Cow's Urine Therapy A Quantum Tonic

    Yes, i know many people will do a Cheeee before they start reading this post. And why not it's a post on Urine and to take it as a tonic, are we crazy to do it. 

    Our Ancient Civilization always gave prime importance to Cow. The cow was not only used as domestic animal by which they had milk and various by-products, but the Cow was Respected, Worshiped and Treated like Mother during ancient times which was why our nation was known as a land of milk and honey.

   Our Agriculture was solely dependent on Cow Dung and Urine which worked both as fertilizers and Pesticide for cultivation of various crops and vegetables in India. For many Millenniums  our farmers use cow dung and urine and hence lands in India were much fertile and productive as compared to west. Every thing got destroyed with the use of Chemical Fertilizers and Pesticides like Urea, Endo Sulphan etc. which degraded to quality of soil to such an extent that the once fertile lands have become barren due to excess usage of such evil fertilizers. What's more the more we consume these chemically grown foods its making us sick and prone to various disease that we have to slog to Hospitals where Greedy Doctors and Evil Pharma are waiting to loot you with high medical bills.

  Many legends have been dedicated to this humble creature, Kings, Noble Rishis, Maharishis, Brahmin's, Philosophers and great Ayurveda Acharyas have given great emphasis to Cow, wbhich is why our nation is known as the Land of the Holy Cow. 

These are some Sanskrit Hyms dedicated to Cow:

|| Gomeya Vasati Lakshmi Gomutre Dhanwantari  ||
  TranslationThe goddess of wealth Lakshmi resides in Cow's Dung, and the God of Health Dhanwantari resides in her Urine.
|| Gavyam pavitram ca rasayanam ca pathyam ca hrdyam balam buddhi syata
    Aayuh pradam rakt vikar hari tridosh hridrog vishapaham syata||
   Translation:  Cow urine panchgavya is great elixir, proper diet, pleasing to heart, giver of mental and physical strength, enhances longevity. It balances bile, mucous and airs. Remover of heart diseases and effect of poison.
|| Mutreshu, gaumutram gunto Adhikam. Avisheshat kathane, mutram gaumutramucchyate. ||
    Translation: Amongst all urines, cow urine alone is best.

Below are the contents of minerals found in Cow's Urine:

Table – Chemical contents of cow urine and cure of diseases as per them. Yes Cow Urine (Gomutra) Benefits are there. Check the science behind this with given below table.

  1. Nitrogen N2 ,NH2: Removes blood abnormalities and toxins, Natural stimulant of urinary track, activates kidneys and it is diuretic.
  2. Sulphur S: Supports motion in large intestines. Cleanses blood.
  3. Ammonia NH3: Stabilise bile, mucous and air of body. Stabilises blood formation.
  4. Copper Cu: Controls built up of unwanted fats. Iron Fe Maintains balance and helps in production of red blood cells & haemoglobin. Stabilises working power.
  5. Urea CO(NH2)2: Removes blood abnormalities and toxins, Natural stimulant of urinary track, activates kidneys and it is diuretic.
  6. Uric Acid C5H4N4O3: Removes heart swelling or inflammation. It is diuretic therefore destroys toxins.
  7. Phosphate P: Helps in removing stones from urinary track.
  8. Sodium Na: Purifies blood. Antacid
  9. Potassium K: Cures hereditary rheumatism. Increases appetite. Removes muscular weakness and laziness.
  10. Manganese Mn: Germicidal, stops growth of germs, protects decay due to gangrene.
  11. Carbolic Acid HCOOH: Germicidal, stops growth of germs and decay due to gangrene.
  12. Calcium Ca: Blood purifier, bone stregthener, germicidal, ?? Rakta skandak ??
  13. Salt NaCl: Sanyas vishamta ?? decreases acidic contents of blood, germicidal
  14. Vitamins A,B,C,D,E: Vitamin B is active ingredient for energetic life and saves from nervousness and thirst, strengthens bones and reproductive ingredient for energetic life and saves from nervousness and thirst, strengthens bones and reproductive power. 
  15. Other Minerals: Increase immunity
  16. Lactose C6H12O6: Gives satisfaction. Strengthens Mouth, strengths heart, removes thirst and nervousness.
  17. Enzymes: Make healthy digestive juices, increase immunity.
  18. Water (H2O): It is life giver. Maintains fluidity of blood, maintains body temperature.
  19. Hipuric Acid CgNgNox: Removes toxins through urine.
  20. Creatinin C4HgN2O2: Germicidal.
  21. Aurum Hydroxide AuOH: It is germicidal and increases immunity power. It is highly antibiotic and anti-toxic

    The ancient 7000 year old holy texts, like Atharva Veda, Charaka Samhita, Rajni Ghuntu, Vridhabhagabhattiyyam, Amritasagar, Bhavaprakash, Sushruta Samhita, etc., contain lucid descriptions about the medicinal benefits of cow urine.

Cow’s urine is a natural  panacea for all diseases, It is :
  • Antiseptic, Detoxificant, Germicidal.
  • Anti- Microbail and Diuretic.
  • Blood Purifier and Appetizer.
  • Boosts Growth Hormone. 
  • Anti-Carcinogenic Immunity Enhancer.
  • Anti fungal & Anti-Bacterial.
  • Compensates the loss of Micro nutrients (Enzymes)
  • Anti Allergic, Antibiotic and Antihelmintic (parasite expeller ). 
  • Anti-oxidant, Digestion Enhancer, anti inflammatory.  
  • Eliminates intestinal worms.
  • Treats skin diseases like Eczema  Ringworm Psoriasis.
  • Detoxifier,  blood cleanser , bile stabiliser. 
  • Improves production of Haemoglobin,  treats anemia.
  • Removes Urinary Tract Stones,  Antacid for eye infections. 
  • Natural disinfectant and insecticide.
  • Anti-Reptile, Migraine Treatment.
  • Improves Memory with Ashwagandha.
  • Treats constipation, Anti Aging Elexir.
  • Dissolves Blood Clots and Promotes Normalization of Menstrual Cycle.
  • Heals tumors,  controls jaundice, supports digestion.
  • Laxative, anti-edema,  for equilibrium of water content and acid – base balance, disorders of brain/ neurological conditions like epilepsy,  psychiatric complaints.
  • Improves skin tone.
  • Corrects menstrual disorders, Maintains the level of insulin by enhancing the function of Pancreas.
  • Calms the chattering mind, Piles Treatment , Prostrate , Arthritis , Ulcers etc
   Its quantum effect  removes the deposits of other powerful chemical residue taken during any long term drug therapy.

Please note that Cow's Urine of Indian Breed which has a hump on her back has to be used. Urine from European Hump-less Jersey and Holstein Cow is not only useless but Toxic.

    All Indian Cow Breeds have a hump on her back and because of it's Hump we can easily recognize an Indian Breed from a European One, not only cow but Urine of Indian Bull is as beneficial. European Breed are Cow's that do not have a Hump on her back,  A1 Milk from European cow is not only useless but toxic too much like it's urine, In recent times there is a rise in cases of PMS syndrome in Females and Breast Cancer have increased manifold due of consumption of Toxic A1 milk from European Breed. Its such an Irony that Indians are consuming Toxic A1 milk of European Breed when milk from our own Indian breed is rare to find. 

   Milk from Cow of Indian Breed is not only safe but it's very nutritious to health as it gives A2 milk compared to Toxic A1 milk from European breed, when our Indigenous cows are full of benefits is why we are seeing our Indian Cows been slaughtered and replaced by Useless European Jersey and Holestien Cow's. Greedy west comes to India only to smuggle the embryos of our cattle and they are breeding our Cow in the west so that they can consume health and nutritious A2 milk. 

   What a conversion we are drinking toxic A1 milk while the west is drinking safe and healthy A2 Milk. We are deprived of milk of our own cow and the market is flooded with Milk of European Breed. 

   Our Indigenous has to be protected at all cost as its population is in huge decline owing to demand for European Breed cow and with slaughter houses killing our Indian breed because it's meat has a huge demand in the west, hence our Greedy Government is allowing grants to open slaughter houses so that Indian Cows could be slaughtered. 

   Our Farmers are being given concessions from government to purchase European Breed cows. These Cow's are a nuisance as it eats 3 times more than our Indian cows, these cows do not walk like our cow and is not used to the Indian climate so it's always prone to illness when it has to be frequently fed with antibiotics an the farmers loose a lot of money on medicines. When our Desi Cow's have a life span of about 20 years these European Breed rarely survive for 10 years. 



   If you want to have the better results of Cow's Urine then its is necessary that you must consume it withing 120 seconds of its discharge. See to it that the Cow is not eating plastic or other wastes and not pregnant. When Cow urinates the urine you can filter it about to to three times and consume it, though the urine can be consumed later too but its the most effective when it's discharged. 

   The taste is much pungent and salty and yes it does smell like any other Urine and it will sound ridiculous in Modern times even to think of consuming an Animals Urine, but many research have been done on this and it is found to have given amazing results to many of the ailments where Allopathic medicines has failed miserably. 

   It's is a one stop solution for prevention against cancer and Kidney ailments. More so it has given much satisfactory results for heart patients too. 

   There is no hard an fast rules for if one has to go through Cow's Urine Therapy, all they have to do is consume about 1/2 a cup of Cows Urine in the morning after which they should not eat or drink anything for the next 1 hour. 

   Cow's Urine is very effective for Skin related diseases like Rashes, Itching an Psoriasis etc. all you have to do is apply on the skin and soon you will have an instant relief and a permanent cure.

   Today many AIDS patients are taking cow urine therapy. People who were suffering with migraine and headache for the past 15 years have recovered within six months of taking this therapy. Whether it is the question of relieving tension or improving the memory power. 

   In the past few years the Cow Urine Treatment and Research Center, Indore has treated one and half lakhs of people. Out of the total patients 85 to 90 percent were patients of constipation there is an old saying that if the stomach is clean half of the diseases get cured automatically. 

   The patient taking cow urine therapy says that he is enjoying sound health and passing bowels easily within one month of this therapy.

  • Cow urine has amazing germicidal power to kill varieties of germs. All germ generated diseases are thus destroyed.
  • According to Ayurveda the cause of all diseases is the imbalance in three faults (tri-dosas) i.e. mucous, bile and air. Cow urine balances the tri-dosas, thus diseases are cured.
  • Cow urine corrects functioning of liver. So, liver makes healthy pure blood. It gives disease resistance power to the body.
  • There are some micro nutrients in our body, which give life strength. These micro nutrients are flushed out through urine. Therefore gradually ageing steps in our body. Cow urine has all elements, which compensate for deficiency of nutrients in our body, which are required for healthy life. Thus Cow urine stops ageing process. So it is called an elixir and also life giving.
  • Cow urine contains many minerals especially Copper, gold salts, etc. It compensates for bodily mineral deficiency. Presence of gold salts protects body against diseases.
  • Mental tension hurts nervous system. Cow urine is called medhya and hradya, which means it, gives strength to brain and heart. Thus cow urine protects heart and brain from damages caused by mental tension and protects these organs from disorders and diseases.
  • Excessive use of any medicine leaves some residue in our body. This residue causes diseases. Cow urine destroys the poisonous effects of residues and makes body disease free.
  • Electric currents (rays) which are present in the environment keep our body healthy. These rays in form of extremely small currents enter our body through Copper in our body. We get Copper from cow urine. To attract these electric waves is quality of Copper. Thus we become healthy.
  • By acting against the voice of soul (immoral & sinful action), the heart and mind become narrow minded. Due to this the functioning of body is effected and causes diseases. Cow urine provides mode of goodness. Thus helps us to perform correct activities by mind. Thus protects from diseases.
  • In scriptures some diseases are said to be due to sinful actions performed in previous lives which we have to bear. Ganga resides in cow urine. Ganga is destroyer of sins, thus cow urine destroys such previous sins and so diseases are cured.
  • The Master of ghosts is Lord Shiva. Lord Shiva holds Ganga on his head. Ganga is in cow urine also. Thus by taking cow urine, the ghosts get to see Ganga over their master’s head. So they are calmed and become peaceful. So they do not trouble the body. Thus, diseases caused by entrance of ghosts are also destroyed.
  • By regularly taking cow urine before sickness, we get so much immunity that any attack of diseases is repulsed.
  • Cow urine being miraculous poison destroyer, destroys the disease caused by poison (Toxin). Extremely dangerous chemicals are purified by cow urine. Cow urine provides immunity power by increasing resistance power against diseases in human body. It is anti toxin.
  • “Sarve rogaah hi mandagni” All diseases begin with mandagni (Low fire i.e. digestive capacity). If fire is strong, diseases won’t occur. Cow urine keeps the fire strong.

 How to use Gomutra?

Gomutra can be used in the following ways as a spiritual healing remedy.

Direct Application:

Directly applying concentrated Gomutra on an affected body part. Drinking a few cc of Gomutra is also recommended as a means for spiritual healing.

Diluting it in water:

After putting a few cc of Gomutra in water, it can be sprinkled around the house to spiritually purify the premises. Alternatively, after adding a small amount of Gomutra in a bucketful of water, it can be used to have a bath. Below is a subtle diagram of the mechanism of action ofGomutra when used in bath water. It has been drawn by Mrs. Yoya Vallee, a seeker with advanced sixth sense of vision, and has been checked by His Holiness Dr. Jayant Athavale.

 Why is Cow so Holy in our Culture?

    The Indian culture gives special place to cow. All the 33 gods have cow as their prime temple. Deva means to give, the strength to give, the ability to give more and take the minimum. This is known as Devata. The cow takes very less from us and gives us more. Therefore the Indian people have proved this with the help of strict devotion and dedication that cow has a prominent place in the Indian life and economy. Wealth, religion, sex and salvation are accomplished with the service of the cow. The Indian farmer used to known as king or the giver of grains due to the developed tradition of India thousands of years back. When we were popular as golden bird and world Guru then this was the basic mantra. Our entire life is dependent on cow.

    What makes the Cow so special that her body gives out the valuable urine full of medicinal value is that  on her hup you will find a nerve called the "Surya Ketu Nadi". If yo touch its hump you can even feel this nerve on her. This nerve is found only in Cow and not other living being has it. The Surya Ketu Nadi has the capability of absorbing Gold salts which contains Kerotim and Copper from Sun Light, hence the blood of the Cow is very pure as compared to any other living being on planet hence what ever she gives in form of Urine, Dung and Milk is very very valuable indeed. 

   Hence this is the reason why Cows have been worshiped by our ancestors, they were not fools like the west that keeps a dog and he find solace in the dog cause the dog love him more than his wife, yeah i can understand, the dog is loving for his meal......

   In the modern age, no matter how hard one explaning the youth of now about the benefits of Cows urine they will outright neglect it and go for the Pharma drugs which caused side effects though, but is you look at the spiraling inflation where the medical bills can cause burden. A bottle of Cows Urine which can be available for Rs 80 to Rs 100/- will come very effective and handy for many of your health problems. 

  Cows Urine also comes in Distilled form which is less effective than Urine, in metro politan cities only a Distilled Urine Bottle can be available which also cures your ailment provided you need to get consultation from the Ayurvedic Practitioner. 

    Of all the Cows Vechoor Breed also known as Dwarf Cow from South Of Kerala is a Cow used by Ayurvedic Doctors to make Medicines. Its Milk, Urine and Dung hold more Medicinal properties than any other Indian Cow Breed. Even Ghee from this cow is very medicinal.

Off late this miracle Cow Breed has become almost extinct due to slaughtering, measures are taken to procreate it and bring its population back. I urge any cow lovers reading this blog to please get this lovely cow to their Goushala and use it Urine.

May Maa Bahrti Shower her Grace on You,

Jayan Divakaran.

Sunday, 26 October 2014

Pink Himalayan Salt

     Salt is we all know is one of the most essential element require for our body, now body can survive without it, there is a huge difference between the standard, refined table salt and a natural health-promoting salt. 

    Himalayan Pink Crystal Salt contains the full spectrum of 84 minerals and trace elements. It is an unrefined, unprocessed and “Raw”.

    Himalayan Pink Salt which is available in all grocery stores in India known as Pahadi Namak or Upvas ka Namak in Hindi, is a pure, hand-mined salt that is derived from ancient sea salt deposits. It is believed to be the purest form of salt available. 

Pink Salt Slab on which Food can be cooked

    The high mineral crystals range in color from sheer white, varying shades of pink, to deep reds, the result of high mineral and iron content.

    Himalayan Pink Salt is used by holistic chefs, spas, health professionals, and individuals for its range of nutritional and therapeutic properties. Pink salt can be used in the same manner as table salt for culinary dishes and baking, as it's pure and higher in mineral content. Pink salt can be used to stimulate circulation, relax the body, lower blood pressure, sooth sore muscles, and remove toxins from the body.

    Himalayan Pink Salt can also be used in bath salt recipes, body scrubs, aromatherapy, homemade soap, and for all types of culinary and spa applications.

Beneficial Properties:

    Himalayan Pink Salt has a rich mineral content that includes over 84 minerals and trace elements such as: calcium, magnesium, potassium, copper and iron. This salt is recognized for its beautiful pink color, high mineral content, and its therapeutic properties.

    Regular consumption of Himalayan Pink Salt provides essential minerals, trace elements, balances electrolytes, supports proper nutrient absorption, eliminates toxins, balances the body’s pH, normalizes blood pressure, and increases circulation and conductivity. It can also assist with relief from arthritis, skin rashes, psoriasis, herpes, and flu and fever symptoms.

The health benefits of using natural Himalayan Crystal Salt
  • Controlling the water levels within the body, regulating them for proper functioning.
  • Promoting stable pH balance in the cells, including the brain.
  • Encouraging excellent blood sugar health.
  • Aiding in reducing the common signs of aging.
  • Promoting cellular hydroelectric energy creation.
  • Promoting the increased absorption capacities of food elements within the intestinal tract.
  • Aiding vascular health.
  • Supporting healthy respiratory function.
  • Lowering incidence of sinus problems, and promoting over-all sinus health.
  • Reducing muscle cramps, Increasing bone strength.
  • Naturally promoting healthy sleep patterns, Creating a healthy libido.
  • In combination with water, it is necessary for blood pressure regulation.
  • Prevents cellulite, when compared to table salt.
  • Reduces chances of developing rheumatism, arthritis and gout, when compared to common chemically-treated salt.
  • Reduces chances of developing kidney and gall bladder stones when compared to common chemically-treated salt.
    Typical table salt is composed of 97.5% sodium chloride and 2.5% chemicals such as anti-flow and anti-caking agents. Table salt is bleached and processed with excessive heat that alters the natural chemical structure and destroys essential trace minerals.

   Himalayan natural pink salts are known for their essential trace minerals and their ability to regulate cellular fluid balance. These salts take on their color due to the presence of iron oxide and their abundance of essential trace minerals.

History of Pink Salt

    Himalayan Pink Salt was originally formed from marine fossil deposits over 250 million years ago during the Jurassic era. Harvested from ancient sea beds, this rare and extraordinary salt has been a valuable commodity for centuries. 

   Historically, the Himalayan people used this salt to preserve their fish and meat throughout the year, and every spring they transported the salt to Nepalese valleys for trade. Heavily burdened yaks would carry the salt along narrow sloping paths, mountains, and cliffs in order to sell and exchange the salt for other commodities.

    Himalayan Pink Salt is still extracted from mines by hand, according to long-standing tradition, and without the use of any mechanical devices or explosion techniques. After being hand-selected, the salt is then hand-crushed, hand-washed, and dried in the sun. 

    However it should be noted that most of the commercial supply of Himalayan Pink Salt on the market today is currently coming from the mountainous regions of Pakistan.

    For culinary purposes, simply dissolve the salt into soups and hot dishes, or place the coarse salt crystals into a salt grinder and mill directly onto dishes.

    In any grocery stores you get huge lumps of Himalayan salt you can crush it on a grinder to get it into small granules, using this in your daily food will improve your health to a good extent  Never ming the evil pharma and doctors shall advice you to have iodized salts to get their profits churning. Please revert your use to pink salt for you and your family's sake.

    Its much expensive than the normal table salt you find it can go to about 100 to 120 Rs a kilo but with much health benefits it's a must buy.

Grace and Peace.

May Maa Bharti Shower Her Grace on You,

Jayan Divakaran.

Friday, 24 October 2014

Jaggery and it's Health Benefits. (A great Alternative for Sugar)

  • A main food that provides necessary nutritions to our body. 
  • An Important food used in sweets and Ayurvedic medicine.
  • One food that can be easily digested by your stomach more so, it aids in digestion of other foods too.
  • A Blood Purifier, Cools your Stomach, Prevents Anemia and a Must eat for all women.
  • Good for your Skin, Cures Cough and Cold, Provides Instant Energy.
  • Great Remedy for Asthma, Reduces and Cures joint Pain, Cures Menstural Pain.
  • As Sugar replaced this wonder food, we have been exposed to diseases like Diabetes,Blood Pressure, Constipation etc.

    Our nation during the ancient times when it was not invaded by foreign rulers lived a Satvic life, in plain English it means Nobel life. Our nation was the richest in the world and so it stayed for many a Millennium till the Cruel Islamic followed by White Christian men invaded our Land through plain deceit, and with it started the dawn fall of the greatest Civilization in the World. 

   We Followers of Dharma ate Healthy and  Nutritious food, by which our ancestors lived for more than 100 years easily, click on the link Satvik food a Nutritious diet. We had plenty of variety in our food that involved more than 4 to 5 variant recipes in our diet. The diet differed from regions, culture and people, the People of North have marginally different diet from the people of South and so is the West from east. Which is why India is the only nation in the world where we see a lot of variety of recipes than any nation in the world. 

   Unfortunately so 'OUR DIET PREFERENCE have been united BY PIZZA, BURGERS FROM MNC FOOD GIANTS'. And this is the greatest danger our nation is facing as this will damage our health to a great extent.

    I keep warning all the readers of this blog site to please stay away from MNC Food Giants like Mcdonalds, KFC, Pizza Hut as we are not only loosing ur money to these greedy MNC but getting your health aggravated, these food giants are involved in a huge conspiracy of using GMO i.e. genetically modified organic meat and veg foods to play havoc with your health.

    Our nation for long time had vividity and variety in food and was primarily eaten as a means of having healthy and noble life, unlike Europe where taste and gluttony was reason for having food.

    Prevention of Disease and maintaining a good Immune System of the body by Getting Vata, Pitta and Kapah in Sync, was the reason why our Ancestors made healthy cuisines and curries that could relish our taste buds and keep us fit and healthy.

What's Jaggery:

     Before i could mention about Jaggery let me give a brief Introduction of Sugar which is seen in each and every household in India. Today each and every state in India has a Sugar Manufacturing plant with Maharashtra having the most with a Manufacturing plant in every District, never mind the most richest business men of Maharashtra who also happens to be a Political heavyweight is also owner of sugar plant in Maharashtra or is a part of the Sugar Lobby in India whose political party is heavily funded by this Lobby. 

It's indeed an irony that i have to write Jaggery as a alternative of Sugar, Sugar came as an alternative to Jaggery and it invaded Indian Markets completely.

    Before mentioning about Jaggery let me give a brief Introduction of Sugar which is seen in each and every household of India. Today each and every state in India has a Sugar Manufacturing plant with Maharashtra having the most with a Manufacturing plant in almost every District, most richest businessmen of Maharashtra who also happens to be a Political heavyweight either owns a sugar plant else he is part of the Sugar Lobby whose political party is heavily funded by this Lobby. 

   Far worse is the situation of farmers in Maharashtra where they are forced threatened to grow only Sugarcane and nothing, else these sugar barons and their paid goons will burn their yield if they grow any other crop, and yes they do it forcibly on the farmers else their sugar plant will be short of making the desired output. 

    Sugarcane from which Jaggery is produced drinks a lot of water compared to other crops like Rice, Wheat, Bajara etc which is another reason why the ground water level is rapidly decreasing in Maharashtra and the situation is far worse in the Deccan Belt of Maharashtra which has a moderate rainfall every year compared to the Konkan Belt.

    Making Jaggery is a simple procedure yet it’s a tedious one, as when the juice is extracted from the Sugarcane this juice is allowed boil at high flame, as and when it gets saturated as it boiled it has to frequently stirred till a point is derived where it becomes condensed after which its spread on a flat surface or a tray and allowed to cool at room temperature, which will probably take about 4 to 5 hours depending on the quantity. After it gets cooled down it becomes Dark Brown in Colour. 

    An important point to be noted is that in Grocery Store we normally see Jaggery which is light brown or yellow in Colour. Please don't ever & never buy this Jaggery as it’s not a pure one. This Jaggery is cheap compared to the dark ones as it’s mixed with chemicals for profits. Jaggery makers who do malpractices for quick profits uses clothes detergent powder to expand it and increase the weight which is why the colour of that Jaggery gets light yellow or white in colour.

    Jaggery which is dark brown in colour or copper colour are originals and there is no mixing in it, copper coloured Jaggery are of the Best Quality.

    Making sugar is indeed a costly and complex procedure compared to Jaggery. They have large machines which have the capacity of making 100 metric tonnes of sugar for a month or a year depending on the capacity. Here too the juices is extracted from the sugar canes, and like jaggery this juice is boiled at high temperature but afterwards they use animal fats and phosphorus for which bones of dead animals have to be crushed to fine powder, and then processed with certain chemicals until it becomes small white granules.

    This White poison called Sugar has more Supply than demand yet it’s highly priced to loot people with a steep inflation at 25 to 30% per year.  Interestingly India does not have as much rice or wheat mill as much as Sugar Plant we have all over the nation and see the irony, these plant produce a poison that harms our health in a slow steady manner to an extent that as you reach your middle age you are bound to visit a slimy greedy Doctor who will loot you for a ransom with high medical bills.

    Sugar followed by Refined Flour called Maida is the two most dangerous Ingredient’s in your Kitchen. The next time when you use it for making tea consider you are putting white poison in it and feeding it to your family, consider you are  a sinner who will go through a Hell with Blood Checks, Hospitals, Medical Tests, Medical Dialysis by slimy doctor’s, Medical Complications etc.


Doctor’s à Medical Bills à Diagnostic Centres à Hospitalà Loss of Money.

    This Vicious Cycle never ends, what gets you there, what weakens your immunity system that makes you allergic and weak, what makes you addicted to eating sweets more than often, why is it that the cholesterol level in your body increases and you suffer from high blood pressure. What make you the slave of the Evil Pharma??

    THE ANSWER IS SUGAR, as the saying goes Money is the root cause of all evil with your health its Sugar and it’s the plain white truth.

    Have you ever taken a budgetary estimate of how much money a single Diabetic Patient of 20 years have contributed to a particular tablet to stabilize his Blood Sugar levels? Let me say that by this time he has spent about Rs. 25 to 30,000/- on a single drug for the past 20 years, like wise you can calculate on the other drug he has consumed. Can you ever imagine how much this patient have been milked by that Pharma Company cause the Doctor has prescribed that Drug which he has to consume for the next decade or two of his life. Never mind the doctor has made his commission but he has to consume the same drug from the same manufacturer for the rest of his life which in short is slavery in existence.

    If one diabetic patient can fetch about Rs. 30,000/- on one drug for 2 decades then imagine with a base of 125 Crores people in India what can be their projected turnover, and how does it all start? It’s your morning tea with Sugar….

    Have you ever wondered how much sugar you consume in a day and that too without your knowledge?

    Any known MNC product you purchase like Soft Drinks contains high levels of sugar much enough to aggravate your health. From Biscuits, Cakes, chocolates, Ice Creams to Chocolates, Candy, Toffees and Chewing Gums etc. all have high sugar content to get you sick so that greedy doctors can have you for a song.

    Sweet like Spicy, Sour, Bitter, Pungent and Salty are the six types of tastes that your tongue can recognize. Our Indian Vedic foods are prepared by taking all this tastes into consideration which is why we have so many variety of foods in our culture. In Europe the people only eat Sweet foods, like we Indians they have no clue of Spicy and Bitter foods. These people have only been eating sweet foods from their childhood till they get old. The interesting fact is the weather conditions in Europe is not favourable for cultivating Sugarcane as it can only be grown in temperate climates like India.

    So how come a place where sugar cannot be grown is prone to eat every food that tastes sweet?

    Wheat is the only crop that can be cultivated in Europe because their weather conditions are not favourable to cultivate any other crop than Wheat, apart from wheat potatoes can only be grown in Europe, as Europe is a region which has snowfall for major part of the year and this is not favourable to cultivate any crops. For Sugar this nation has to Import it from Cuba or China and that’s how they have sugar in Europe, and this is the only taste they know as their Breakfast, lunch and dinner all are sugar based and their menu is quite limited when compared to Indian foods. Which is why all these MNC food giants having their joints in India sell sweet foods from Burgers to Pizza have some sugar content in it. Most of the European Foods are Owen baked or is uncooked or raw. They don’t have steamed foods like we have, they don’t have much variety n fried and deep fried foods like we have or boiled foods like we have. They don’t have any clue what is Bitter foods and now the unfortunate scenario is that we are following western culture adapting to their lifestyle so blindly that we are bound to doom if we go at this rate.

    Because Europeans keep eating SUGAR SWEET foods, by the time they reach 40 years they get prone to Diabetes. And now this is a bad problem faced by every nations of Europe that all are suffering from this silent killer disease and the main reason for this is nothing but Sugar.

    Have you ever observed that a Diabetes patient always have a carvings to eat sweet foods, when the doctor says to stay away from sugar it becomes difficult for him to stay away from it, no matter what he will have it one way or the other like a drug addict he is ADDICTED TO SUGAR. Sugar is nothing but addiction, give this patient to eat sweet made of jaggery he will have it but sooner he will switch over to sugar based sweet only like an alcoholic or a drug addict he can’t resist himself away from sugar, Sweetness is only  taste but Sugar Sweetness is addiction.

    Sugar is highly addictive and its molecular structure is so much identical to Cocaine that it’s only one atom away from Cocaine. Wonder why Government and Medical Fraternity never disclose this fact because they want us to be sick and unhealthy that we can be milked by the Evil Pharma Sector.

Why Jaggery?

    If we shun away from use of sugar and replace it with Jaggery then it shall do a word of good for your health and in a lot of ways. Right now it’s expensive in a grocery store they sell dark brown jaggery for 56 Rs a Kg, a super fine quality jaggery shall cost you as high as 80 Rs a Kg. too when sugar is priced around 35 to 45 Rs a Kg. Now if we see this is a marginal difference in the cost Jaggery costs about 30 to 50% higher than sugar and this is when making Jaggery is much cheaper and simpler that Sugar. Then why are we seeing this marginal difference.

    The main reason is demand, people are jumping for sugar than jaggery. They are so much used to sugar that they don’t even bother to look at Jaggery, the young generation has no clue what it means. Now it’s rarely used by Indian families like used for festival purpose or make special Indian sweets otherwise the rest is completely replaced by Sugar. When you create a demand only then there will be an increase in supply for sugar else there will be a limited supply and so we shall see this price rise in jaggery.

   Jaggery though expensive, must be consumed as it’s the only alternative to keep you fit and healthy. The another disadvantage apart from price is that you will require more Jaggery than sugar to make your food sweeter, but apart from this two disadvantage, it is the best alternative for your health. If you use jaggery you will never ever have Diabetes.

    As jaggery has a reputation for being the best food that can be easily digested by your stomach, what’s more it aids in digestion of other foods that you have consumed which is why in north after you have a heavy meal they prefer to eat jaggery so that your food can be digested well.

    Sugar on the other hand is the most difficult to be digested, in fact it never gets digested which is why it’s a pain for your stomach as it has to work extra hard to digest it, when your stomach fails to do so it becomes cholesterol. Cholesterol is like a rubbish in a garbage can. This cholesterol keeps accumulating in your body and it creates various type of disease and complications in your body. Cholesterol first job is to block free blood circulation in your body, it makes your blood thicker and that makes your heart to pump extra hard so that it can send blood properly to all organs. Cholesterol helps to build excess fat in your body and so you become overweight and with obesity you become you get introduced to various disease from migraine, mood swings, depression, High and Low Blood Pressure, Heart disease, fatal heart attacks, Joint Pains , kidney problems, Asthma and much more. All because of Sugar.

    For many millenniums, Jaggery was used by Indians for making sweets and other foods, our ancestors never had Tea of Coffee as these were introduced to us by Immoral British as well they gave us Sugar as it’s called ‘Chini’ in Hindi meaning it came from China. As our ancestors didn’t knew what it was as they were used to Jaggery, British for did a propaganda by lying to us that this white granule substance came from China and Chinese uses this in their sweets, China has no clue what sweet taste is. In Chinese foods, there is nothing sweet, their food is primarily sour or salty to taste, and farmers in China have never known about a crop called Sugarcane. So we even believe that this Sugar came from china but what we never leaped into is that this was the ploy of cunning British as they knew that our ancestors were healthy and fit so they wanted us to remain weak and unhealthy and they made it by introducing us to this White Poison called Sugar. More so Sugar like in India was introduced in Europe and other nations too and soon the whole world started consuming this Poison.

Health Benefits of Jaggery (Gur)

  • Treats anaemia, purifies blood, prevents and cures pimples, acne, makes your skin & hair healthy.
  • Relieves premenstrual symptoms, cures muscle soreness, pain and cramps.
  • Useful to prevent Pregnancy Anaemia.
  • Has cleansing action in the body, reduces water retention in the body as it neutralizes excess salt intake in diet.
  • Relaxes blood vessels and maintains blood pressure and strengthens the nervous system.
  • Relaxes muscles and nerves aids in relieving migraine headaches.
  • Is rich in antioxidant, helps in fighting free radicals.
  • Cleans the respiratory tract of dust and pollutants, reduces respiratory distress of asthma, bronchitis etc.
  • Helps in preventing breathing problems and asthma
  • Helps fight pollution by allowing people to breathe easily in higher levels of pollution and smoke
  • Rich in magnesium so helpful in relieving fatigue and relaxes muscles and nerves
  • Prevents Rheumatism.

Specific Uses Of Jaggery In Maintaining Health

For Hiccups

Mix 1/2 tsp gur and 1/2 tsp ginger powder. Consume with 1 tsp warm water.

For Menstrual Disorders

Eat 1 tsp gur daily.

For Flatulence

Eat a 12 grams of Jaggery after each meal daily or 25 grams of jaggery every day. It relieves stomach disorders.

For Cough

Mix some black pepper powder with Jaggery (Gur), put it in warm water and drink it.

For Tension Headache/Migraine

Add 6 grams powdered sesame (Til) seeds with 10 grams jaggery and 2 to 3 drops of milk, make a paste & apply it on your forehead.


Mix 12 grams gur and 6 grams ghee. Take once before sunrise and then at bedtime.

For Fatigue/Tiredness/Muscle Injuries

Eat 1 tsp gur 3 times a day. Fatigue due to hard physical Labour, Exercise and Sports can be relieved with this.

For Weakness/Anemia

Eat 1 tsp gur twice a day.

For Asthma/Dry Cough

Mix 15 gms gur with 15 ml of mustard oil and lick this mixture.

For Cough/Asthma/Bronchitis

Eat laddoos made of black sesame seeds (Til) and Jaggery (gur)

For Cough/Colds

To 100 grams of gur add 1 tsp ginger powder and 1 tsp black pepper powder. Divide into 4 parts. Take 1 part 4 times a day.

For Scanty Urine/Suppressed Urine

Mix some jaggery in milk and drink. Take 2 times a day.

For Intestinal worms

Eat some jaggery before taking the deworming medicine to remove worms easily.

For Foreign Objects in Skin

A mixture of jaggery and carom seeds when warmed a little and applied on the affected area draws out the embedded piece of glass, thorn etc. as it cools.

    I hope you find this information beneficial to your health and use it for your daily life. Trust me if you limit yourself to the use of sugar it will the best for you an your family. 

Grace and Peace.

May Maa Bharti shower her grace on you

Jayan Divakaran. 

Thursday, 16 October 2014

OZONE: A Multipurpose Miracle Gas. Protect Yourself from Ebola.

  • Ozone is a multipurpose gas, beneficial for various purpose.
  • This Miracle Gas Ozone can be produced on the spot any time anywhere, and for free.
  • Ozone is the best Cleaning agent which kills all types of bacteria, virus and Fungus 100%.
  • The most useful gas to protect your home & family when epidemic like Ebola, Anthrax, Sars etc breaks up.
  • It drives away any type of Odour's within 15 minutes of it's discharge.
  • Very Effective gas for people suffering from Asthma, Bronchitis, Allergic to Dust etc.
  • A Great Water Purifier, effective in killing all viruses in it 100%.
  • Ozone Generator is a Boon for every Home.
  • For a long time this gas was being suppressed by Pharma Industry (Lobby) and some evil doctors for Vested Interest as they will loose their business because of it's Miracle effects. 

     Before we can get in detail about Ozone if you have to ask me whether OZONE IS  DANGEROUS GAS ??

YES it is, OZONE IS A DANGEROUS GAS... but if used with safety precautions it can do wonders.

    Can Ozone gas kill human Beings if exposed ??

    The unit for measuring gas is in PPM (Parts per Million) where in you take a room and multiply the Area of that room by the Height of the Room you get the Volume of that room, for eg. say a Room of 100 Sq. feet area has 10 feet height then the volume is 1000 Cubic feet. When you divide this volume into a million parts, that one part of it is called PPM. 

    Our Atmosphere is a mix of various types of gases at different percentage that makes a concentration, we call this concentration Air, the major component being Nitrogen followed by Oxygen. In Normal condition too your room has this same Concentration as is seen the Image below. Of all the gases listed below you can only inhale Oxygen the rest are Inert gases and Carbon Dioxide of all is a gas that can Kill us or any living being.

Concentration of the Atmosphere.

     When any gas, natural of chemical gets discharged in the room the concentration of Air gets disturbed as it mixes with air, some gases might increase and some decrease. Say if Nitrogen is discharged in the room then the concentration of Nitrogen increase by more than 78%, this concentration is measured in PPM. If Nitrogen is discharged than it has a NOAEL and LOAEL value. 

    The NOAEL (No Observed Adverse Effect level) is where at a certain discharge of Nitrogen there will be Nil effect in your health and that discharge of Nitrogen in the room is safe for your health.

     LOAEL (Lowest Observed Adverse Effect level) is where at a certain point of discharge your body will show signs of discomfort like allergy or choking sensation etc. If concentration of your room with Nitrogen is increased to 80% then its safe for your body but if the concentration increases to 81% then your body is feeling the impact. 

     When a Safety Norm is implemented only the NOAEL is taken into consideration to an extent that it should not be allowed to go further than the threshold of LOAEL of that particular gas. That's how the design calculation is done for each and every gas in a Room and that gas has a specific concentration measured in PPM, that should not reach LOAEL, The same is applied to OZONE. Ozone has capacity to kill any organisms from Bacteria and Virus in microns to Dinosaurs to a macro level, so if the concentration is high enough beyond the human capability to withstand the gas then it can definitely kill human too.
     That's why we need to have an Ozone Generator that can come with safety level of not exceeding the threshold limit which when used for a certain period of time will work wonders for your life and Home Environment in a big way. 

      Not only Ozone but any as if discharged in excess of it's LOAEL can kill human beings.

    The Evil Pharma Lobby has being successful in keeping this gas in the dark of many decades and even now you will see that OZONE Industry has not picked up it's pace or shine any where in the world even inspite of mass awareness being given on the net and through the companies manufacturing this Generators of it's use and benefits. Still many business house ahve preferred to keep safe distance from this gas as it is evident from the link below:-, 

It's an article posted by US Environment Protection Agency, and i can understand the cunningness behind the purpose of this article, its only to demonize this gas like how they have done with Marijuana or Cannabis that can harm your life, when its a weed that can put the whole of Pharma Industry out of Business.

My Personal Experience using Ozone Purifier (Generator)

       I have been using Ozone generator for the past 2 years, It has done me and my family a world of good, in this period i have been using it as a water purifier and believe me the way it purifies water is far far better than any water filters much better than boiling water too. Remember it's only a Water Purifier it will not filter your water like take out mud or small stones, but any harmful germs or virus causing water borne disease will be killed instantly, it will kill all germs god or bad in your water 100%, you get a crystal clear water which is active and the water tastes good.

      I have used the purifier in my house, drawing and bedroom, discharged it for about 15 to 20 minutes in the room and after which the gas floods the room and clears away any bad Odour present in the room completely also any bacteria or virus present in the room also ozone gas destroys all the allergens , moulds and fungus in a room after which the room is refreshed and clean. If a person is suffering from viral disease it's necessary that ozone Generator has to be used so that any virus in the air can be wiped out by Ozone and keep the room hygienic and safe.  

     If your bathroom or closet is stinky much unbearable to tolerate the smell, before you clean try use this for about 10 minutes and after it done you will notice how wonderful Ozone is, you will notice the stinking smell has vanished all of a sudden but along with it all the virus and Harmful bacteria have been killed by Ozone. 

     In my Wardrobe i frequently use it so that the clothes dont get infected with fungus, we often face this problem during rainy season when we notice white fungus developing on our clothes and also it gives out foul smell, with ozone gas the there will be no fungus and the foul smell also vanishes. It can be used by garment Industry to a good effect.

     Every day i Ozonate my water for about 30 minutes, after which the activated live water with Ozone has numerous health and other benefits.

   I would like to see every house hold having a Ozone Generator. 

Ozone Layer:

   For as long as our Mother Earth's age, ozone molecules in the atmosphere have protected life on Earth from the effects of ultraviolet rays. The ozone layer resides in the stratosphere and surrounds the entire Earth. UV-B radiation (280- to 315- nanometer (nm) wavelength) from the Sun is partially absorbed in this layer. As a result, the amount of UV-B reaching Earth’s surface is greatly reduced. UV-A (315- to 400-nm wavelength) and other solar radiation are not strongly absorbed by the ozone layer.

   Human exposure to UV-B increases the risk of skin cancer, cataracts, and a suppressed immune system. UV-B exposure can also damage terrestrial plant life, single cell organisms, and aquatic ecosystems.

   In the past 60 years or so human activity has contributed to the deterioration of the ozone layer. 

   The ozone "hole" is really a reduction in concentrations of ozone high above the earth in the stratosphere. The ozone hole is defined geographically as the area wherein the total ozone amount is less than 220 Dobson Units. The ozone hole has steadily grown in size (up to 27 million sq. km.) and length of existence over the past two decades.

   After a series of rigorous meetings and negotiations, the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer was finally agreed upon on 16 september 1987 at the Headquarters of the International Civil Aviation Organization in Montreal. 

    The Montreal Protocol stipulates that the production and consumption of compounds that deplete ozone in the stratosphere--chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs),  halons, carbon tetrachloride, and methyl chloroform--are to be phased out by 2000 (2005 for methyl chloroform). Scientific theory and evidence suggest that, once emitted to the atmosphere, these compounds could significantly deplete the stratospheric ozone layer that shields the planet from damaging UV-B radiation.

    Ozone can be created in your home when an electric current is passed through oxygen to break it apart. Free oxygen atoms bind with oxygen molecule to form ozone.  Ozone is an unstable molecule that will break down into one oxygen molecule and one oxygen atom.

  In the ozone generator, a  corona-discharge element is present, which provides a capacitive load.  Ozone is produced from oxygen as a direct result of electrical discharge. This corona-discharge ruptures the stable oxygen molecule and forms two oxygen radicals.  

   Basically the electrical spark splits an oxygen molecule into two oxygen atoms. These unstable oxygen atoms combine with other oxygen molecules. This combination forms ozone. These radicals can combine with oxygen molecules to form ozone. To control and maintain the electrical discharge, a di-electric is present, carried out in ceramic or glass. 

   The excessive heat of the electrodes is often cooled by cooling water, or by air. An ozonizer creates ozone by charging the air with a burst of high negative voltage.

  Best hospitals and Hotels around the world use ozone generators to decontaminate operating rooms between surgeries. The rooms are cleaned and then sealed airtight before being filled with ozone which effectively kills or neutralizes all remaining bacteria. Ozone cannot be stored and transported like other industrial gases (because it quickly decays into diatomic oxygen) and must therefore be produced on site.

   It must be said that ozone is highly toxic to humans and most other forms of life and has to be used in an intelligent manner.. Like how a life saving a matchstick is dangerous in the hands of a monkey. Even very low concentrations of ozone can be harmful to the upper respiratory tract and the lungs. The severity of injury depends on both by the concentration of ozone and the duration of exposure.

  Ozone is just an activated oxygen molecule  consisting of three oxygen atoms. The oxygen we breathe contains two atoms .

    Electrolytic ozone generation (EOG) splits water molecules into H2, O2, and O3. In most EOG methods, the hydrogen gas will be removed to leave oxygen and ozone as the only reaction products.

   So, an immunity to ozone would cause the bacteria to die of asphyxiation or mutate to in a anaerobic environment. Ozone works each time and every time with the same efficacy. 

China used ozonizers during the recent SARS outbreak . Twelve states in USA use ozonisers though it is prohibited by the FDA.

History of Ozone:

   Ozone was manually discovered in 1785 by Dutch physicist Martinus Van Marum (1750-1837) by perceiving a peculiar odor that generated near the electrostatic machines, but it was not until May 1840 that the German chemist Christian Friedrich Schönbein (1799-1868) synthesizes it.

   Schönbein son of a humble dyer educated in physics and chemistry, worked in a chemical plant in Erlangen. "The production of Ozone by Chemical Means", which stated that: "Although physicists and chemists have no idea of the existence of a component, this does not disprove its existence"  

  In 1857 Werner von Siemens built the first superior induction tube, with which Kleinmann made the first attempts to destroy microorganisms and the first gas insufflations in animals and humans. In 1870, the German doctor Lender made the first publication on practical biological effects, relating to water disinfection. The discovery of the antimicrobial properties of ozone revolutionized medicine of the time, 70 years still remaining for the emergence of penicillin. The first report on ozone as a purifier of the blood appears

   In 1893, the first facility in Ousbaden (Netherlands) for the disinfection and purification of water for human consumption and waste was created. Till date, there are more than 3000 water treatment plants with ozone in this country. Zurich, Florence and other cities had been acquiring these systems to disinfect water.  

     Nikola Tesla a super genius (1856-1943), patented his first ozone generator in 1896; and in 1900 founded Nikola Tesla "Tesla Ozone Co"  manufacturer of generators for medical use. Tesla was the first to Ozonate olive oil. According to Life Magazine's special issue of September, 1997, Tesla is among the 100 most famous people of the last 1,000 years. Tesla was an enigmatic owner of a magnificent imagination when applied to the field of science, led him to developing ideas that came into dispute with the conventional knowledge of the time. An example of this is the Alternating Current, which at the time, crashed head-on with Thomas Alva Edison’s Direct Current.

     In 1898 Drs. Thauerkauf and Luth created the Institute of Ozone Therapy in Germany and publish the first studies in animals.

Medical Ozone in the 20th Century

    In 1911, Dr. Noble Eberhart, head of the Department of Physiology of Loyola Chicago University, in the "Manual of High Frequency Operation", states that he used ozone to treat tuberculosis, anemia, chlorosis, tinnitus, whooping cough, asthma, bronchitis, hay fever, insomnia, pneumonia, diabetes, gout and syphilis. He created the first university teaching center dedicated among other things to ozone therapy.

   Dr. Blass founded the first German association of ozone therapy in 1913. Meanwhile, with the First World War in 1915, Dr. Wolf, chief surgeon of the German army, uses Ozone for topical treatment of infected wounds, frozen foot, gangrene and decubitus ulcers.

    In 1932 Switzerland, a dentist Dr. Fish, published applications of ozone to treat caries, and patented the first device specifically for this application, the Cytozon.

    In 1935 Edwin Payr (Austrian-German) shows wound healing effect of ozone in Germany, after the outbreak of World War II, Dr. Wolf published "Medical Ozone", the most classic book about ozone therapy, which has come down as the Bible of the Medical books dedicated to the ozone therapy.

   This is an image file of an ozone generator of wood. Calozone Team. The ozone produced was meant to be inhaled.

   Despite its obvious usefulness, ozone as a healing method for infectious diseases, gradually falls into disuse. Moreover, in 1940, the U. S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) began sealing of medical ozone generators, promoting their own pharmaceutical industry, reinforced after the acquisition of a pharmaceutical giant of the moment, the German Bayer.

   The emergence of plastics resistant to ozone leads in 1957, German physician Dr. Hänsler to manufacture the first modern ozone generator, which modern day generators base themselves of.

   In 1961 Dr. Hans Wolff introduced in his practice the major and minor autohemotherapy. In the early 70 the German Society of Ozone Therapy is created which contributes to the momentum of ozone therapy and that it should be applied in different diseases.


    In the 70's Russians conducts use of ozone in burned patients. At the same time, in Minsk (Belarus), the patients were successfully treated of bronchial asthma with ozonated steam inhalations.

  In April 1979, for the first time in the world, ozonated cardioplegic solution was introduced into the coronary bed of a patient with a congenital heart defect. In November 1986, the ozonation of the artificial circulatory system was performed for the first time, during the implant of an artificial mitral valve. During the study of the new method "ozonized saline solution” and of the technology for its application, other methods were developed of application of ozone, for example, the use of ozone in the preservation of blood, blood ozonation and infusion ozonated saline during periods of post-operative and post-resuscitation. 

  In 2005, the Russians are the first who recorded at state level, the use of ozone in dermatology and cosmetology. Two years later (2007) they did on gynecology-obstetrics and neonatology, traumatology and burn treatment. Russia became the first country in the world to regularize and implement at the state level ozone therapy.


  In 2006, the ozone therapy in Madrid (Spain) faced a severe blow by the health administration which prohibited its practice in ambulatory medical centers. AEPROMO, Spanish Association of Medical Professionals in Ozonetherapy, took the initiative and began the struggle for regularization, which they achieved in March 2009. Now 15 Spanish autonomous states out 17 practice ozonetherapy. So the health professional who practice it knows in advance what “rules game” he must adhered to. 

Ozonetherapy in the world

   The ozonetherapy is widely applied as it is attested by its practice in more than 50 countries, there are more than 40 associations of ozone therapy in Africa, America, Europe, Asia and Oceania. There are over 26,000 ozone therapists who use it with their patients.  

Benefits of Ozone 

  • 51% more powerful on bacterial cell walls than chlorine.
  • Kills bacteria 3100 times faster than chlorine
  • The most powerful broad spectrum microbiological control agent available.
  • Eliminate the use of hot water and conventional sanitizer.
  • Virtually eliminates all chemical usage.
  • Is chemical-free; it produces NO toxic by-products.
  • Has full FDA approval for direct-food contact application.
  • Clean and environment-friendly; its only by-product is oxygen.
  • Extremely effective as a disinfectant at relatively low concentrations.
  • Ozone is generated on site, eliminating the transporting, storing and handling of hazardous materials.
  • Very inexpensive to produce and has an unlimited supply.
  • Safer for employees than conventional chemicals.
  • Extends the shelf life of food products.
  • Permits recycling of wastewater.

   In good hotels and hospitals ozone is directly injected into the wash water as it enters the washing machine or utensil rinser or water fountains.

Ozone Generator (Purifier)

   This is done by bubble diffusers and venturi Injectors that breaks the gas into small bubbles at the bottom of a water column to allow the bubbles to slowly rise to the top to get properly dissolved in the water more efficiently. 

   Ozone always reverts back to oxygen over time. Hence  ozone cannot be delivered in tanks.  Instead, ozone is typically produced on-site by an ozone generator. In very clean and cold water ozone can last for several hours. Conversely dirty and warm water will last lesser time. Ozone is 13 times more soluble in water than oxygen. Reactions with bacteria etc., consumes ozone by oxidation reactions. 

  Ozone breaks down thermally too.  Higher temperatures destroy ozone quicker than lower temperatures.  

  The ozone that remains is referred to as residual ozone. "Residual" ozone created will return to oxygen usually within 30 minutes, in amounts equal to half its level. What this means is that after each subsequent 30 minute period there would be half as much residual ozone left at the end of the period as was present at the beginning of the period. 

Ozone does its job and then without much ado disappears back into safe oxygen.

  In 1982, ozone was given GRAS approval ( generally recognized as safe ) for use in bottled water.  Today, the majority of bottled water companies use ozone to ensure pure water that is pathogen free for consumers. The use of ozone for wastewater disinfection has been growing in popularity due to strict regulations on fecal coliform and other pathogens. 

  With rise in costs of chemicals, ozone can be used as a cost effective solution for wastewater disinfection. Ozone can be produced on site using oxygen from the ambient air. Only electrical power is required for operation. Ozone is a green solution to wastewater disinfection. No by-products or waste products are formed in the creation of ozone.

    Ozone is used as a sanitizer in Clean-In-Place (CIP) Systems. Microorganisms such as E.coli can build resistance to chlorine over time. A major drawback of chlorine and other chemicals is the harsh effect they have on equipment made of metals and wood. Equipment, walls, floors, drains, tanks, tubs, racks, knives, and tables can all be sprayed with aqueous ozone, destroying all bacteria, viruses, fungi, and spores. 

    No other sanitation step after the use of ozone is necessary further no rinse step is necessary after ozone as the ozone will leave no residual on the surface. This lowers cleaning time and water usage costs.

   In Surgery Ozone find applications in abscesses, wound infection, septic conditions, peritonitis, burns, badly healing wounds, tropic ulcers, diabetic foot, urulent-destructive lung & pleura diseases, purulent arthritis, arthrosis, cardio-surgical interferences, pre- and postoperative treatment etc.

   In Internal medicine Ozone finds applications in chronic gastritis & gastroduodenitis, chronic colitis, peptic ulcer, chronic hepatitis, chronic bronchitis, bronchial asthma, rheumatic diseases, arthritis, ischemic heart disease, allergic diseases, diabetes mellitus etc

   In Urology Ozone finds applications in chronic pyelonephritis, acute and chronic renal failure (nephrism), cystitis, diseases transmissible by sexual way, urethritis, prostatitis etc

   In Neurology Ozone finds applications in Ischemic apoplectic attack, cerebrovascular insufficiency, diseases of peripheral nervous system, migraine, disseminated sclerosis, compressive ischemic neuropathies, spinal osteochondrosis etc

   In Dermatology Ozone finds applications in furunculosis, herpes, mycosis, scleroderma, psoriasis, neurodermatitis, eczema, bullous dermatosis, acne, allergodermia, lichen planus etc.  

   In Intravenous Therapy an intravenous line is inserted into a vein, and 100-150ml of blood is drawn into a sterile vacuum flask. Medical ozone is also inserted into the flask and when the two are rapidly mixed together, the blood turns a bright cherry red. This ozonated blood is now highly charged with oxygenating power, and fed back into the same vein. The whole procedure takes about 30 minutes.

     In Autohaemo therapy 5-10 ml blood is withdrawn by syringe, mixed with ozone, and injected back into a deep muscle. In External Limb bagging a limb is covered with an airtight bag and Ozone is introduced into the bag for 30-40 minutes.

     Oxygen comprises about 62% to 71% of the body, and is the body’s most abundant and essential element. Ninety (90%) percent of all our biological energy comes from oxygen. 

  When you consider that disease-causing microorganisms, viruses, bacteria and pathogens cannot survive in oxygen-rich environments, you begin to see why oxygen therapy is the most powerful weapon for fighting disease.  

   This is why ancient Maharishis propagated Pranayama. 

   A highly oxygenated body is not only immune to disease, but also destroys disease that already exists in the body. Simply inhaling oxygen is not enough. Only 15% of the oxygen you inhale is absorbed into the bloodstream. Oxygen must enter the blood, and the blood, in turn, needs to deliver it to the cells and tissues of the body. Then, this would raise tissue oxygen levels, kills Bacteria, Viruses and Defective tissue cells, Enable Healthy Cells to urvive and multiply more rapidly - and ultimately create a Stronger Immune System. 

    Dr. Otto Warburg who won the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine  stated that the prime cause of cancer is insufficient oxygen at the cellular level, and that cancer cells cannot survive in a high oxygen environment. 

     The microbe is nothing. The terrain is everything.  HIV is nothing, its environment is everything. Bacteria, viruses and pathogens do not cause disease, but rather seek out environments where they can thrive best - and that is in oxygen-deprived and poor nutritious food consumer bodies

   Ozonated water, which is simply water that has been infused with ozone via an ozonator, is an efficient way of oxygenating the body and accelerating the healing process. 

   Drinking 6 to 8 glasses of ozonated water daily establishes a high level of oxygenation in the body, facilitates detoxification and accelerates the healing process. 

   Pharmaceutical companies monopolized by Big Brother , use their power and unlimited financial resources to keep doctors from prescribing simple natural therapies - and their powerful lobbyists even get US Congress and WHO to disallow established health claims for natural remedies. If a patient doing Ozone therapy dies due to some other reason ( say an accident ) laws are in place to send the doctor to jail.

Have a look at what the lobbied up powers say about ozone—

Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
   Ozone is a toxic gas with no known useful medical application in specific, adjunctive, or preventive therapy. In order for ozone to be effective as a germicide, it must be present in a concentration far greater than that which can be safely tolerated by man and animals.

  Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
   Ozone is an air pollutant that is harmful to breathe and it damages crops, trees and other vegetation. It is a main ingredient of urban smog.


May Maa Bharti Shower her Grace on You,

Jayan Divakaran